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Good Friday

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 | 10:36:00 AM

Good Friday


        Good Friday is a Christian religious holiday depicting the crucification of Lord Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday or Easter Friday. It is known as Good Friday because this was the day when Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole world and opened the doors of Heaven for every mankind. This day, God demonstrated His love towards mankind by sending his own beloved son Jesus Christ to save us from all our sins. The day is known as good because it demonstrates the goodness of the Lord over mankind.

        Good Friday is a widely instituted legal holiday in many national governments around the world, including in most Western countries (especially among Anglican and Catholic nations) as well as in 12 U.S. states. Some governments, such as Germany, have laws prohibiting certain acts, such as dancing and horse racing that are seen as profaning the solemn nature of the day.


Biblical accounts:


        According to the 4 gospels of the Bible, Jesus Christ was crucified for not committing any crime. Judas Iscariot, one of the disciples of Jesus betrayed him by supporting the Romans. Judas said to the Romans, the one whom I will kiss is Jesus and then you’ll can arrest Him and present Him before the High priest. The High priest blasphemed Jesus because He declared to be the Son of the Living God. Later the high priest sent Jesus to Pontius Pilate to condemn Him to death.

        The next day morning the Roman governor brought Jesus to Pilate. The whole crowed gathered and started blaming Jesus for calling Himself Son of God, for not observing Sabbaths and for breaking the laws given by Moses. A night before, Pilate’s wife saw Jesus in her dreams knowing that He is innocent and she warned Pilate not to condemn Him to death. But the crowed told Pilate we want Jesus to be crucified and instead set free Barabbas (one who was supposed to be crucified because he was a murderer) otherwise we won’t consider you in authority. Ultimately, Pilate washed his hands in water to show that he has no part in this crucification because he knew Jesus was innocent but he handed over Him to the crowed for crucification just to save his job. The sentence written on the cross was “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”. Jesus carried his cross to the site of execution called the "place of the Skull", or "Golgotha" in Hebrew and in Latin "Calvary". There He was crucified along with two criminals.

        Jesus agonized on the cross for six hours. During his last three hours on the cross, from noon to 3 pm, darkness fell over the whole land. Jesus spoke from the cross, saying "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

With a loud cry, Jesus gave up his spirit. There was an earthquake, tombs broke open, and the curtain in the Temple was torn from top to bottom. The curtain was torn which signified that now there is no restriction for common Jews people to enter “The Holy of Holies” place in the temple. This means that through Jesus Christ – the high priest anyone can boldly come to the throne of God. This day when Jesus died for the sins of the whole world is known as Good Friday.

        Jesus Christ rose up on the 3 rd day from the tomb, observed by Mary Magdalene and the other Mary. Seeing the tomb empty both the ladies declared “He is not here, He is risen just as He had prophesied for Himself.” This day is known as Easter Sunday.




        This day is observed by every Christian. On this day people gather in the church to observe this day. Songs of the crucification and the death of Jesus are sung. Some churches also observe this day by distributing the “Lord’s Supper” to every member of the church. People observe this day to remember the love and sacrifice of their Savior Jesus Christ. People perform skits in the churches to portray the story of the Cross. Many churches also read out the last seven sayings of Jesus Christ on the cross, thus explaining them and remembering the living words of the living God. Many Roman Catholic churches treat Good Friday as the fast day thus fasting for the whole day. Different churches have different ways of observing this day. This day is considered to be the blessing for every mankind because cross proved to be the suffering for Jesus but a blessing for every mankind. Thus in every way people celebrate “The Passion of Jesus to save mankind”.


This Good Friday wish and invite your friends by sending ecards and e-invitation from our website

Posted By Beena

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