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Bhai Dooj

Bhai Dooj Invitation Wording and Sample Card

11/5/2018 4:22:00 AM

  Bhai Dooj Invitation Wording and Sample Card English CREATE AN INVITATION »Oh Dear Brother, Its Our Day And Diwali Is Here To Say Happiness, Cheer And Success Too And Showered Especially For Me And You.   »The loving occasion of Bhai Dooj is the best time, to reminisce fondly the wonderful moment we have spent together, sharing each other’s joys and sorrows. Thanks for spreading smiles everywhere and making life so beautiful, meaningful , It's that time of the celebration Come Join Us   Marathi CREATE AN INVITATION बहिणीची असते भावावर अतूट माया, मिळो त्याला नेहमी अशीच प्रेमाची छाया, भावाची असते बहिणीला साथ , मदतीला देतो नेहमीच हात. Hindi CREATE AN INVITATION »बहन करती हे भाई का दुलार उसे चाहीये बस उसका प्यार नही करती किसी तोफे कि चाह बस भाई को मिले खुशीया हजार »बहन चाहे भाई का प्यार, नहीं चाहिए महंगे उपहार, रिश्ता अटूट रहे सदियों तक, मिले मेरे भाई को खुशियां अपार… ह

Posted by: Desievite Admin

भाई दूज

10/18/2016 7:26:00 AM

भाई दूज का त्योहार भाई बहन के स्नेह को सुदृढ़ करता है। यह त्योहार दीवाली के दो दिन बाद मनाया जाता है। भैया दूज को भ्रातृ द्वितीया भी कहते हैं। इस पर्व का प्रमुख लक्ष्य भाई तथा बहन के पावन संबंध व प्रेमभाव की स्थापना करना है। इस दिन बहनें बेरी पूजन भी करती हैं। इस दिन बहनें भाइयों के स्वस्थ तथा दीर्घायु होने की मंगल कामना करके तिलक लगाती हैं। इस दिन बहनें भाइयों को तेल मलकर गंगा यमुना में स्नान भी कराती हैं। यदि गंगा यमुना में नहीं नहाया जा सके तो भाई को बहन के घर नहाना चाहिए। यदि बहन अपने हाथ से भाई को जीमाए तो भाई की उम्र बढ़ती है और जीवन के कष्ट दूर होते हैं। इस दिन चाहिए कि बहनें भाइयों को चावल खिलाएं। इस दिन बहन के घर भोजन करने का विशेष महत्व है। इस दिन गोधन कूटने की प्रथा भी है। गोबर की मानव मूर्ति बना कर छाती पर ईंट रखकर स्त्रियां उसे मूसलों से तोड़ती हैं। स्त्रियां घर-घर जाकर चना, गूम तथा भटकैया चराव कर जिव्हा को भटकैया के कांटे से दागती भी हैं। दोपहर पर्यन्त यह सब करके बहन भाई पूजा विधान से इस पर्व को प्रसन्नता से मनाते हैं। इस दिन यमराज तथा यमुना जी के पूजन का विशेष महत्व है

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Bhai Dooj - The Festival for Sisters and their Brothers

11/19/2015 10:13:00 AM

Bhai Dooj >  The Festival for Sisters and their Brothers  <     Bhai Dooj, written as भाई दूज in Hindi, and also called as Bhau-Beej, Bhai Tika, Bhai Phota is a festival celebrated by Hindus of India and Nepal on the last day of the five-day-long Diwali period or Tihar festival. The festival falls on the second day of the bright fortnight or Shukla Paksha of the Hindu lunar month of Kartika.   The celebration on this day is quite comparable to the festival of Raksha Bandhan. On this day, sisters pray for a long and happy life for their brothers. The sisters invite their brothers for a luxurious meal often including their favorite dishes/sweets. The tradition includes sisters performing aarti for their brother and apply a red tika on the brother's forehead. This tika ceremony on the occasion of Bhai Bij signifies th

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Bhai Dooj or Bhau Beej

9/23/2014 2:29:00 AM

On Bhaiya Dooj, sisters pray for their brothers to have long and happy lives by performing Tika ceremony and brothers offer gifts to their sisters. Bhaiya Dooj is also known as Bhau Beej and Bhathru Dwithiya. Bhai Dooj, one of the main festivals of India is known by various names in different parts of the country. It is popularly known as Bhai Phota, Bhav Bij, Bhai Tika, Bhatri Dwitiya, Yama Dwitiya, etc. The traditional customs and rituals vary a little due to the cultural diversity in the various parts of India, but the essence of the festivities remains unchanged. Its significance too remains equally the same among the brothers and sisters. Every sister prays for the long life of her brother whereas the brother promises to always take care of her. Similar to the festival of Raksha Bandhan, Bhai Dooj strengthens the bond of love and care between the brothers and sisters. Read to know more about Bhai Dooj celebration in various parts of India.

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Bhai Dooj: Symbol of love between a brother and sister

11/6/2012 5:51:00 AM

Bhai Dooj is an annual Hindu festival celebrated on the third day after Diwali. It is similar to Raksha Bhandhan. This day is also known as Yamdwitya. This festival is a symbol of love between a brother and sister. On this day, sisters pray and wish for the long life, health, wealth and prosperity of their brothers. In return the brother takes the oath to protect her sister. On this occasion sisters go to their brother house. It is believed that it is dangerous for the brother to go to the sisters house. Sisters putt tika/tilak (vermilion spot) on the forehead of their brother, offer sweets and perform aarti. The tika/tilak signifies the sister's sincerest prayers for the long and happy life of her brother. In return the brother offers gifts to their sisters as an expression of love. The gift expresses the gratitude for sharing such a wonderful relationship. There are many stories associated with Bhai Dooj. One of them states that when Lord Krishna returned home after killing

Posted by: Desievite Admin

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