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Eid-ul- Adha: Festival of Sacrifice

8/18/2012 7:45:00 AM

It is one of the religious festivals celebrated by the Muslims which remind us about Abraham. He obeyed the order of God and without no doubt got ready to sacrifice his son. Four thousand years ago Abraham used to live in Canaan with his wife Hagar and his son Ishmael. One day he dreamt that God has ordered him to move to Arabia. He has full faith in God. He immediately executed his order. After they reached Arabia he decided to go back to Canaan. He told her wife that he is going back to Canaan. He told her that there is an ample quantity of food for two persons to survive. Her wife knew that it was an order of God and she allowed him to go away.   After a couple of months the food finished. They started starving. They prayed Lord for help. The Lord replied the prayer by pouring water from a spring. The spring is known as Zamzam Well. This is how Hagar and Ishmael were saved. Many years passed away. Everybody was happy. One day God came in the dream of Abraham. He dreamt

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Eid-ul-Fitr: Feast of Fast-Breaking

8/17/2012 1:01:00 AM

Eid-ul-Fitr also known an Eid marks the end of Ramadan which continues for 29 or 30 days. It is one of the important festivals amongst the Muslim community. The festival begins when the first sight of the new moon is seen in the sky. Eid al-Fitr was originated by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in 624 CE and the place of origin was Madinah. It is believed at that time he with his friends and relatives got the victory of the battle of Jang-e-Badar. The entire month of Ramadan constitutes dawn to sunset fasting. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated all around the world. Preparations of Eid start ten days before starting Eid. People start cleaning their houses. People start visiting the local market to buy new clothes, grocery and sweets. On Eid people clean themselves, dress with new clothes, take a light breakfast and then go to offer prayers. On this scared day people greet other by saying Eid Mubarak. This is a common practice in India. In many countries a holiday is observed. People attend we

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Ramadan lanterns

8/16/2012 5:03:00 AM

Ramadan is considered to be the most holy and blessed month. It traditionally begins with a new moon sighting. Ramadan is associated with a mysterious tradition. The tradition is very old and some believed that it started in the Fatimid era. For Muslims the Ramadan celebrations include the display of Fawanees (plural for Fanous). People hang different types of pretty lanterns out in the streets, balconies, shops and mosques. The kids were associated with these lanterns. They were fascinated with these and used to wander the streets. In addition to that they used to go to different houses asking for sweets and nuts.  Stories associated with Ramadan lanterns (Fanous) This story is associated with Fatimid era. Fatimid caliph began a search of the new moon. He started wandering on the street in the night. At that time there was no electricity. It used to be pretty dark. The small children noticed them. They brought the lanterns from their homes and started walking with him. Second

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Facts about Ramadan

7/19/2012 10:31:00 PM

1.    Ramadan – This word literally means “One that Burns” According to scholars, in this month the Sins are burnt away… therefore it is called Ramadan. 2.    Ramadan is the ninth month of the 12-month Islamic calendar, which is lunar and based on the phases of the moon. The lunar calendar falls short of the solar calendar by 11 days. As a result, Ramadan doesn't start on the same date each year and instead passes through all the seasons. 3.    The doors of heaven are opened in this month and the doors of hell are closed. Devils are chained in this month. Mercy is poured down to Earth during Ramadan. 4.    The Month of Ramadan is also when it is believed the Holy Quran "was sent down from heaven, guidance unto men, a declaration of direction, and a means of  Salvation" 5.    The great battle of Badr between the Muslims and the unbelievers took place during Ramadan in t

Posted by: Desievite Admin

Ramadhan a period of fasting, self-evaluation, self-control and spiritual growth

7/15/2012 5:17:00 AM

Ramadhan is observed as a period of fasting, self-evaluation, self-control and spiritual growth. The word “Ramadhan” is derived from an Arabic word for intense heat, dried ground, shortness of food and drink. It starts with Ramadhan traditionally begins with a new moon sighting. It exists for 29 to 30 days and ends by the visual sightings of the crescent moon. It is also known as Ramadhan or Ramzan.   It is considered to be the most holy and blessed month. In this month Muslims refrain themselves from eating & drinking, sexual relations, forged speech & evil actions. Fighting is also not allowed during this period. In this month there is an increase in reading of the Quran. Ramadhan is also a period of submission to God.  The grace of God seems to be multiplied during the period of Ramadhan. Fasting during Ramadhan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. It is a time of self-examination and increased religious devotion. Ramadhan disclosed the Quran. Musl

Posted by: Desievite Admin

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