Kuan poojan invitation hindi wording and Sample card

अपने प्रपौत्र एवं
श्रीमती सुमित्रा एवं श्री रामकिशन कुमार
अपने सुपौत्र
चि. राजेश कुमार
(सुपुत्र श्रीमती --------- एवं श्री -------)
कुआँ पुजन समारोह
के शुभ अवसर पर आपको अपने गांव
आसियाकी गोरावास में सादर आमंत्रित करते है |
卐 कार्यक्रम 卐
हवन......................... 9:00 बजे प्रातः
कुआ पुजन................ 4:30 बजे सायं
रत्रि भोज.................... 6:00 बजे यं
Create Kuan poojan invitation card Invitation
Kuan poojan invitation
Sunday, 3rd October, 2016 7:30 By the grace of God & Blessings of Forefathers,
Priya & Pratik Kumar
Requests the honour of your presence to shower your blessings;
On Kaun ceremony of their son
(Grandson of Mrs Aparna & Rajesh Kumar)
On Thursday; 18th October 2018; 7 to 9 PM
Followed by dinner.
----------------------------------------------------- Venue : #Address
Suraj poojan ceremony
By the grace of God & Blessings of Forefathers,
Rajesh suwalka and Lakshmi suwalka
Requests the honour of your presence to shower your blessings;
On Suraj poojan ceremony of their son
BABY Grandson of Mrs Prem lata & late shri Ram babu
On Monday; 29th july 2020; 1 PM
Followed by dinner.