1. • the vowel ə is rendered as a.

  2. • The syllabic vowel ri, transliterated ṛ, is present only in Sanskrit loanwords.

  3. • the aspirated stops and affricates are rendered as digraphs (pʰ = ph, dʰ = dh, etc).

  4. • the retroflex stops ʈ, ɖ are transliterated ṭ , ḍ.

  5. • the affricates ts/ tʃ, dz/dʒ are transliterated c and j, respectively. The alveolar and palatal affricates are not differentiated in the script, but in scholarly texts [ts] = c, [dz] = j, [dzʰ] = jh, [tʃ] = č, [tʃʰ] = čh,

  6. [dʒ] = ǰ, [dʒʰ] = ǰh.

  7. • the Marathi script has three signs for sibilants (ś, ṣ, s) but ś and ṣ are pronounced ʃ.

  8. • the voiced glottal fricative ɦ is transliterated h.

  9. • the nasal ɳ is rendered ṇ. There are signs for the palatal and velar nasals (ñ, ṅ) in the script but they are pronounced as n.

  10. • the retroflex liquid ɭ is transliterated ḷ.

  11. • the glide w is transliterated v.